The symptoms of varicose veins feet

Varicose veins the legs occurs most frequently among all kinds of this pathology. This is related to the upright posture of the person, which has created a big burden in the lower part.

What is varicose veins veins and why it occurs?

Varicose disease is called the expansion of the superficial veins, which are observed in violation of of blood flow. Disease related to weakness of the venous walls, and rising blood pressure in blood vessels. When the expansion of the walls of the veins broken normal function of the valve apparatus.

Blood can not be enough to move up to the heart by, and the stand is in the lower extremities. So developing varicose veins varicose veins on the legs. Disease symptoms occur the appearance of the vasculature of the eye and the veins sites in the zone of weakened veins.

The cause of varicose veins is quite diverse. It and heredity and weight, and the wrong way of life and long-term physical load, feet, and pregnancy. Very important is the prophylaxis of varicose veins, it helps to prevent disease development and strengthens blood vessels.

Symptoms and signs of varicose leg veins

The symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities is different, all depends on the stage of the disease. Start the patient does not see any external manifestations may be mixed only in fatigue after a days work, heaviness in the legs. The disease may be published in the development of vascular eye, later appear in the venous nodes and turns to see the enlarged blood vessels.

Symptoms and signs of varicose veins leg veins

If the first manifestations of the disease should immediately seek medical attention!

In the later stages of the disease the symptoms of varicose veins of the legs multiplied, submit to the pain in the muscles and feet, puffiness, skin pigmentation. Advanced cases develop trophic ulcers and venous bleeding.

Publish of the disease in different stages

In the first stage of the disease the symptoms of varicose veins of the feet express a little. Can be mixed with difficulty and fatigue, in some places of the skin shine through the enlarged mesh or "materials" of vienna.

In the second stage of the disease disturbed in cramps in the legs, will appear in the external manifestations of the enlarged veins, if the patient feels pain and heaviness after a long period of physical stress.

The third stage is the varicose veins of the ven the emergence of characterized by a vividly expressed in the veins and nodules, pigmentation is the skin, lower extremities swelling.

The fourth stage is manifested in the form of venous ulcers of the skin, which may bleed and badly heal. Patient perception of strong pain and discomfort in the abdomen in the region of the lower extremities.

And if not treated?

If you notice yourself on the symptoms of varicose veins of the feet, treatment should be start as possible in the past. The lack of is the right activity can result in serious complications such as thrombophlebitis, bleeding veenilaiendidbut enlarged veins, thromboembolism.

Blood clots that formed as thrombophlebitis, disturbance of the normal flow of blood, which is due to disturbed blood supply and tissues. If nothing, there may be trophic ulcers – wounds on the skin, which get wet and poorly improve.

In which case should immediately seek medical attention?

If you notice any manifestations of the varicose veins, seek medical attention. Strong pains in the legs, frequent cramps, the appearance of pigmentation and overall degradation also need to be alert.

Do not tighten the visit to the phlebologist, the timely recourse to the doctor can help to avoid all complications and disease.

Diagnosis varicose veins feet

The most common and effective method of diagnostics of the enlarged veins on the legs is considered to be ultrasound study. This will help determine the exact find veenilaiendidbut enlarged veins, its type and rate of the diseases.

Diagnosis varicose veins feet

When the first symptoms veenilaiendidbutго extension of the van on the legs to stand immediately go through a complete shed of the study.

In addition, the doctor will determine the overall blood test, which shows the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leucocytes and platelets. It helps to identify the predisposition if thrombophlebitis or point to the existence of the inflammatory process in vienna.

To know the stage of the disease you can use such a method as rheovasography – term deficiency of blood in the tissues. Complex and difficult diagnosis controlled cases resorting to surgical exploration (e.g. phlebography).

The treatment of varicose leg veins

There are several ways to treat varicose veins, decides the doctor, and it depends on the stage of the disease and its run.

  • Drug venotonics and angioprotectors preparations, that normalize the structure of the walls of the blood vessels, improve blood microcirculation.
  • Packing k – helps to reduce pain, improve vascular tone.
  • Treatment of varicose veins of the leeches – hürudoteraapiat, hirudinea, that the saliva of leeches, reduces blood viscosity and enriches its useful substances.
  • Surgical treatment – phlebectomy, laser coagulation, radio frequency coagulation, sclerotherapy, help to cope with the problem of varicose veins and to remove the enlarged veins.

Prevention of varicose veins of the

Prevention of varicose veins helps to reduce the risk of diseases. The correct way of living and a decent, versatile physical activity during the day – the ability to permanently save your veins healthy.

Do not forget about proper nutrition, because of excessive body weight promotes varicose. After a hard working day let feet well the rest. Out of the hot times and harmful habits (nicotine, which is cigarette, reduces vascular tone).

Useful tips

  • The first sign of varicose veins to seek medical attention immediately.
  • Be especially attentive to the vessels on the legs during pregnancy.
  • If you have any risk of varicose veins, diseases during the long trip, travel and strenuous exercise included in the packing in the wash.
  • Arrange the correct mode of operation and holidays.
  • Give up smoking, fatty and the gift of food, long-term seating in one position, to reduce the risk of varicose veins.